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December 2020 Performance Review

What a year. The market doesn't typically (as in basically never) drop as far as it did early this year only to gain back the losses and end the year with gains.


November 2020 Performance Review

It was a good month all around for basically everything, with over a 10% rise in the S&P 500—and that was on the low end of global stocks. The news of multiple COVID vaccines saving us from perpetual shutdowns is likely a big part of the excitement.

October 2020 Performance Review

With Biden on the edge of a win, you can chalk up another success for stocks predicting the outcome of elections. While not scientific, it's probably a better indicator than any number of expert predictions or even polling, in some cases.

September 2020 Performance Review

Until recently, markets had been acting as if the worst was well behind us, and it was just a question of how fast the recovery was going to be


We placed a few trades in both our model portfolios late on Friday, September 11th. The relatively minor changes were primarily to shift us out of some areas that had been hot and to add some lagging stock categories.

August 2020 Performance Review

The bubble forming in fast-growing tech stocks — notably the handful of tech near-monopolies increasingly driving the entire stock market's returns — started to burst in September, but for August it was smooth sailing for the trillion dollar-ish market cap crew.

July 2020 Performance Review

With interest rates near zero and property owners facing potentially massive problems with occupancy and rent collection, stocks are becoming the only game in town. But it is an increasingly expensive game to play.

June 2020 Performance Review

The V-shaped recovery is here—long live the V-shaped recovery! The main problem is that the actual economy and COVID-19 pandemic are not on a V-shaped recovery path—just the stock market.

May 2020 Performance Review

If your only news was stock prices, you'd never suspect that America was slowly and not very carefully emerging from one crisis only to quickly slide into another. Another headscratcher is how our stock market is currently down less for the year than other countries that have fared better during the health pandemic and economic shutdown.

April 2020 Performance Review

Stock and bond prices rebounded sharply as the trillions in Federal Reserve monetary and government fiscal spending cannons hit the market. If throwing money at the fast weakening economy turns out to be a great solution, we will win this war. If not, unfortunately we'll just have a short-term boost and a long-term mess of massive debt on top of a semi-permanently Coronavirus-slowed economy.